Production delay
The group was supposed to film last week for our short film but due to busy schedules and limited access to transportation, filming had to be canceled and pushed back. Since the group contains 4 people, getting everyone in one place is difficult, especially with after-school activities and parents having to work. While this inconvenience slowed production down, it was predictable and we will have to adapt to it instead. The current plan is to film this week instead. Because the production was delayed, filming must occur in a day to knock it out simultaneously, rather than scene by scene. Despite the delay, the group was still productive in time management and discussed ideas for future filming. Another issue for the production that came up is the location. In some places, filming isn’t allowed which isn’t a situation we can do much about. In case this does occur we have planned to film in an alternate store or parking lot and improvise with the environment. When filming does occur, production should be swift and simple because of the planning prior. In terms of roles, we might all act in it if we are able to find an additional person to film us. If this isn’t the case, one of us will film instead of being in the video, which isn’t optimal but will be used if needed. For props, nothing specific is planned but if any ideas pop up we will be sure to include them. One benefit to filming in a mall is the variety of locations within one area. Another benefit is that there are stores with potential prop ideas that might help the film/story. Likewise, costumes are casual to fit in with the story of teenagers. For filming, we are going to use an iPhone as they have sufficient quality for the film, with many options to adjust and enhance it. It also has good audio quality in case we want to capture any dietetic sound. For, editing, one person will be assigned to edit the film. This is based on experience with past editing and expertise. In the past, iMovie has been the preferred editing software. The next time we meet we will officially begin the production of our short film.
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