Revision blog

We scheduled a day to meet on set and began discussing the changes we needed to make. We went over the feedback in detail, brainstorming ways to improve the pacing, acting, and overall tone of the film. We started by setting up the camera and lighting equipment, making sure that everything was in the right position. We then rehearsed the scenes a few times, making sure that the timing and blocking were improved. Melvin helped with the lighting, ensuring that the shadows were used to improve the mood of the film. As we filmed the retakes, we went over all the feedback. We were all working together towards a common goal, and it was a great feeling to see the improvements that we were making. When we wrapped up the final retakes, we all felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. We knew that we had done everything we could to make the film the best it could be. We all congratulated each other on a job well done, and I felt grateful to have such a supportive and talented group of peo...