Research Blog
Our group decided on creating a Nintendo Switch commercial. In order to do this, we researched multiple Nintendo Switch commercials. We saw the shots they used and the various locations that were taking place. We also researched the various games that are popular with the switch and that we could use for our trailer. We are now familiar with Nintendo switch commercials. We took notes and ways on how we can make our commercial similar or just as good. We noticed certain shots we'd like and wrote it down on our notes. We also researched the technology behind the Switch. We wanted to know if this powerful console had enough content on it to make a commercial. Now we're starting to plan our project with the games, shots, and locations. We also researched how the actors behave and what games they used. While completing our research we realized the resources we'd need as we planned ahead. As all three of us watched trailers we have a few ideas on what our commercial should look like. This research allowed us to expand more on what we should have as our final product. While researching we learned the different ways we can outline our commercial. We noticed the way the these companies outline their own trailers. We will use these skills effectively to form a proper commercial. The shots taken and the dynamics shown in these commercials have shown us what we should aim for. These commercials have given us a way to perceive our first ever commercial. We will further look into these commercials and take note of minor details that could drastically improve our own commercial for the Nintendo Switch.
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